Mock Tests 2024

Set 1: 6th and 13th April
Set 2: 6th and 13th July

Mock Test
£120 per Set

  • 11+ Examination Preparation
  • Set 1:
    Round 1 - Saturday, 6th April
    Round 2 - Saturday, 13th April
  • Set 2:
    Round 1 - Saturday, 6th July
    Round 2 - Saturday, 13th July
  • Feedback will be provided on:
    • Knowledge
    • Answering Methodology
    • Exam Hall Conduct
    • Preparation
    • Ranking

    Papers will not be released, but your report will contain mark scheme snippets for questions you have answered incorrectly.
  • Venue:
    King's College School, Wimbledon

Book Now

Our Mock Tests have been designed to provide students with valuable practical exam experience in the lead up to their official 11+ examinations.

The series of Mock Tests will be conducted under realistic exam conditions, with each experience closely invigilated and managed to replicate the experience students will face in their real tests in the Autumn term.

This environment can seem intimidating to students at first, but familiarising them with this exam format in advance allows our students to become comfortable with the process.

For many students, this will be their first ever formal examination; for some it may be their first time in a secondary school. Once they are accustomed to this setting, students are more able to focus and achieve the results they are capable of.

Test Format

The content of our tests has been carefully curated to match the level of difficulty that students will encounter in their 11+ examinations, based on our knowledge of our local schools’ selection procedures.

There are two sets of mock tests, with each set divided into Round 1 (English and Maths) and Round 2 (English and Maths). For both subjects, Round 1 tests are multiple choice exams, while Round 2 tests require written answers. Our tests cover a range of topics and levels of challenge, in order to test the full breadth of students’ ability and to inform the all-important feedback that you will receive shortly after the tests.

For each mock test, you will receive extensive feedback in the form of a report. These reports will include:

  • An overall score and ranking
  • Data identifying subject areas of strength and weakness
  • Mark schemes with clear explanations for incorrectly answered questions
  • An indicator of how many questions were left unanswered
  • Feedback on conduct in the exam hall
  • Tips on improving exam technique

Dates and Times

The Mock Tests will run on 4 separate weekends.

Set 1 runs on Saturday, 6th and 13th April.

Set 2 runs on Saturday, 6th and 13th July.

Please arrive by 9am for registration.
Gates will close at 9:25am.
Collection time is at 11:20am.

Anyone arriving after 9:25am will not be allowed into the Exam Hall, and will not be able to join until the start of the 2nd test on the day. We will not be able to offer a refund in this instance.

Please note that when booking onto a Set, you will be required to attend both Round 1 and 2 exams.

Feedback and Reporting

The detailed feedback we provide you is focussed on your child’s strengths and weaknesses over four main areas. These areas - knowledge, answering methodology, exam hall conduct, and preparation - have been chosen to provide you with actionable steps for improvement. This in turn will enable you, as parents, and us, as your tutors, to identify and enact improvements necessary for success in the months remaining before the real examinations!

We will also provide you with a ranking of performance against the other students who participate in the mock. We know that as parents this insight is invaluable as you weigh up your options, and tailor your child’s practice for this final stretch of 11+ preparation. The ranking will provide a definitive measure of how well your child is performing against their peers across each subject, each round, and overall.

By popular demand, we will provide detailed mark schemes for questions that have been answered incorrectly. This will provide the student with an opportunity to review these questions, and to compare their strategies and answering methodologies to ours.

We will be reporting on the following:

  • Knowledge

    A breakdown of the examined subject categories that will identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses in content across the curriculum.

  • Answering Methodology

    An examiner’s perspective on how your child attempted their question paper, and areas for improvement in exam technique.

  • Exam Hall Conduct

    An invigilator’s perspective on your child’s conduct during the exam itself, and how they should seek to approach sitting an exam.

  • Preparation

    We will evaluate your child’s preparedness for examination day and provide you with tips to ensure you are fully ready.

  • Ranking

    A definitive measure of how well your child is performing against their peers across each subject, each round, and overall.


10% discount is applied if you book Mock Test Sets 1 and 2.


  • £120 per Set

You will receive the following service included in the price per Set:

  • Mock 11+ Examination experience
  • Full Report
    • Rankings
    • Invigilator Report
    • Examiner Report
    • Mark schemes for questions answered incorrectly

A 10% discount applies when making a booking for both Sets (4 Saturdays).

Parent Testimonial

"The Mock Test Report provides a comprehensive analysis of every aspect, which I find highly commendable.
I am genuinely impressed by the meticulous examination and overall assessment of my child’s performance. This insightful analysis offers us a valuable opportunity to identify and address my child’s weaknesses well in advance of the actual exam.
The report not only highlights my child’s incorrect answers but also provides thorough explanations and suggested steps for improvement in each specific area. This level of detail is incredibly beneficial and undoubtedly instrumental in enhancing her performance in the upcoming exam.
I wholeheartedly endorse this resource and will enthusiastically recommend it to our friends who are earnestly preparing their children for the 11+ exam."


King's College School, Wimbledon